Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ingrown hair in groin area?

I have what I think is an ingrown hair on my groin. There is no 'head' on it as such but it is quite large (about the size and length of my thumb) and is causing me some discomfort. Should I leave it alone or is there any treatment for this such as lancing (aaargh!!!). I'd rather not go to the doctor as it's a bit embarassing but will if I really must. Had it for 3 days now.

Ingrown hair in groin area?

First of all, eww!

Secondly, I have had to deal with this in the past. The best way to get it to drain is to apply a warm compress to it for about 10 minutes every hour. Just take a washcloth and soak it in warm water or as hot as you can tolerate. Apply it for 10 minutes or until no longer warm, and do this every hour or so. It will come to a head, burst, and begin to discharge within a day, so continue to clean the discharge as it drains.

If the area becomes infected, you MUST see a doctor right away!

Ingrown hair in groin area?

You really really do need to go and see a doctor. It will be excruciatingly painful for you - even more so if you mess with it and it all goes wrong. You could indeed do yourself damage if you either do not get something done about it or if you try and do it yourself.

Yes its embarrassing for you - but trust me doctors have seen it all before and will operate on a totally professional basis. They will also know how to fix the problem properly.

Seriously - make the appointment now and save yourself a lot of pain.

Ingrown hair in groin area?

You don't have to be embarrassed. Go to the Doctor, Don't suffer.

Ingrown hair in groin area?

The size of your thumb???!!! Jeez get to the docs asap!!!! Has it grown from nothing to that size in 3 days?? That is really worrying, you really need to get it seen to. Good luck and hey, come back and let us know what the hell it is ok?? xx

Ingrown hair in groin area?

You could try scrubbing the area with something slightly rough in order to scrub off dead skin cells depending on how deep it is anyways...

Ingrown hair in groin area?

yes defiantly go to the Doctor, it is embarrassing (i know, done it) but the will have a look and probably just give you antibiotics . Good Luck!!

Ingrown hair in groin area?

It sounds like you have an abcess there and you need to see a Dr ASAP.

Embarrassing, the Dr won't blink twice at it. Go today you need to get that sorted.

Ingrown hair in groin area?

Get a pair of tweezers and pull it out... do you have your bikini line waxed, that could be the cause.... then once you have pulled the hair out of the skin, tweak it right out.... then you will need to use a loofah or body buffer down there regularly to keep the hair follicles from growing under the skin.

Ingrown hair in groin area?

i would usually have a go at somthing like this myself if it was me but the size you say will prompt me to advise you to go to the doctors and get it looked at properly to stop infection

go see him today

Ingrown hair in groin area?

Personally I would go to the doctor, I had a similar thing, didn't bother going to the doctor, it ended up being so painful i couldn't walk and had to go into the hospital for a general anesthetic and op to drain it.

Go to the doctors now and he can probably drain it and save all the bother

Ingrown hair in groin area?

Go to the chemist or a beauty salon and buy a product called Ingrow Go- see blurb below

"Ingrow Go閳?can also prevent new ingrown hairs from forming. Its potent ingredients have a two way action. First, the antibacterial action cleans out and purifies the infected pore, reducing swelling, redness and impurities. Secondly the exfoliating action removes the dead skin and gently releases the trapped hair"

I've used this before and it takes about a day but does release trapped hair and also prevents ingrown hairs in future.

If that doesn't work defintely visit the doctor.

Ingrown hair in groin area?

Use peroxide give it time to grow back leave it alone for now until you get the situation under control. Hopes this works for you.

Next time Buy a pair of hair clippers (Walmart) to shave $10.00

Shaving to close can cause ingrown hairs. use warm water to soften hairs when using different creams do note creams are not good due to sensitivity

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