Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How do i make my hair look less greasier?

My hair always tends to look greasy! I have tried a number of different shampoos and conditioners but it doesnt seem to work! Do you think its start of puberty or more to do with the treatment?

How do i make my hair look less greasier?

Quit using any products on your hair! Use a clarifying shampoo, lather and rinse twice, very thoroughly. Do this for two setsof shampoo days. NO products, not even cream rinse! If your hair gets frizzy, put it in a braid, or wear a hat.

Scrub all your combs, brushes, hairbands; wipe down barettes, etc.

Then buy shampoo/conditioner formulated for your hair type - oily, volume, frizzy, etc.

How do i make my hair look less greasier?

use a clarifing shampoo and skip the conditioner. to keep it from getting greasy wash your hair everyday twice a day (during the same shower) first to losen up the dirt and a second timme to clear it away.

How do i make my hair look less greasier?

When I was 12( 3 years ago), i would wash my hair with all kinds of stuff all the time and it still looked greasy...I asked my mom why it did this and she said because i washed it too much! What?! how could this be?......She said that i was taking any and all oil off my hair so it was making my head produce a whole bunch of oil..

How do i make my hair look less greasier?

Honey if your hair is greasy use less or no conditioner.

How do i make my hair look less greasier?

Could be both if you have oily skin as well. Try something without all the "treatments" such as plain castile shampoo, quite mild and no additives to stimilate oil production.

How do i make my hair look less greasier?

i'm sure it has a lot to do with puberty. you can try putting baby powder in your hair, that soaks up oil. alcohol is drying to hair and hairspray has a lot of alcohol in it so you could try spraying it in the roots. bumble and bumble makes a good hair powder to soak up oil which is similair to baby powder but it's colored so if you have dark hair it still looks natural.

How do i make my hair look less greasier?

Shampoo your hair twice, then use very little to no conditioner on your scalp.

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