Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My hair is v.thin please advice me with herbal treatments to overcome this problem?

You need to get Hair Mayonnaise. It's excellent for deep conditioning.

My hair is v.thin please advice me with herbal treatments to overcome this problem?

um i dont know of any herbal remedies for thinning hair but there is a salon product called nioxin that is supposed to help keep hair from getting thinner and in some cases helps grow hair back. i got some from my dad who is balding, in his case it hasnt made his hair grow back but it has stopped it from getting any thinner. his advise is to not get it in your eyes cuz boy does it burn lol. maybe that can help some.

My hair is v.thin please advice me with herbal treatments to overcome this problem?

yes try evergreens shady patch lawn seed water every day about 1-2 weeks bingo

My hair is v.thin please advice me with herbal treatments to overcome this problem?

Try my new wimba spray,its the Biz.Are you upset about going bald at a young age? well dont be buddy,its 4.99 plus postage and packing,just think for 4.99 plus postage and packing you can have all the kittens and babes banging down your doar.Wimba spray,its the business.

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