Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

My sister has been diagnosed with Eczema due to all the peeling a severe dryness to her head, ears, neck, and hands. She has been seeing the same Doctor for a year now and about 2 months ago she noticed her hair has been falling out and it has been a real devestating time for her. She can't seem to find any answers. What do u think is the best way to find treatment and even a correct diagnosis?

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

I think she suffers from alopecia, Seborrheic dermatitis, or eczema, is often associated with diffuse hair thinning and greasy, yellow scales on the scalp. Treatment usually involves tar shampoo and topical steroids. Read more on the link I've given.

Certain treatments can also cause alopecia or baldness. Consult a dermatologist, I found certain cures for alopecia as I found out in TV, these are using a hair regrower shampoo, or have a hair transplant... or in some derm clinics, they sew a wig on the head... its better you go to a dermatology when it comes to this matters.

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

i think i heard somewhere that a person can lose their hair due to a mineral or vitamin deficiency of some sort

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

If your sister's hair is falling out, she should see a dermatologist for a diagnosis.

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

Alopecia maybe?

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

I once went through a very traumatic experience and lost almost a third of my if she has been under any severe stress lately this may be affecting her. alternatively, pregnancy can cause hair loss, or like another girl mentioned, some dietary deficiencies can cause hair to fall out as well.

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?


Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

Dermatologist Problem

maybe Stress

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

stress,stress...see a dermatologist

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

Well... just a suggestion... you might have cancer. 0.o

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

there is a good chance she has alapeesha my brother has it and he gets bald spots all over his head but they make a cream that works kinda good to make it grow back so i would look into that

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

If she has Eczema, it is likely that he hair loss is related to that. She may have the rash on her head, which is making her hair fall out. Or she may be scratching the rash on her head and making her hair fall out. Alternatively, she may just be so stressed about not being able to figure out what is wrong with her that her hair is falling out. Stress will make your hair fall out. The best thing for her to do is to go see one of two specialists: a dermatologist or an allergist. Most eczema is caused by allergies, but a dermatologist may have better treatments for the skin condition.

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

My sister is 28 and her hair was falling out as well. She went to her regular practitioner, who recommended a specific vitamin supplement. She was vitamin deficient, and her hair has just started to noticeably fill out and it has only been about a week! Although, obviously this might not be the same thing, but it is something she can ask her doctor!

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

Not Alopecia? (bad spelling...sorry)

She doesn't live near anything nuclear? ...serious question.

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

I draw blood on a patient,who has this disorder similar to what you describe,I'm at home right now,but if you check back tomorrow I'll write you the DX in continuation to my answer...does she also have a smelly oder as well?? like fungus?

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

Could be a result of the eczema (or at least maybe caused by the same thing causing the eczema). Could by hypothyroidism. Male pattern baldness (hereditary, even for some females). Or alopecia. Or just dry, damaged hair.

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

I am 25 and had a similar problem several months ago. My hair was coming out in clumps in the shower and I was horrified! I went to the dermatologist and he said that it was a stress induced "effluvium" and should resolve itself in a few months and the normal hair growth cycle would resume. There is a prescription that can help prevent the hair follicle from entering the phase that causes it to fall out - it slows/stops the hair loss. Hope this helps - just give it time!

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

I don't know how she can find treatment and diagnosis, but, until she does, have your sister start taking at least six tablets of brewer's yeast every day (huge in B vitamins), and 20,000 units of vitamin A. Also, find real vitamin E (not synthetic), and open one capsule a day to put on the problem areas.

Your sister is lucky to have someone who cares as you do.

Good luck to her.

Why would a healthy young womens hair be falling out?

She may have a Thyroid problem. So I would tell her to see her DR and get labs drawn. TSH, T4,T3, maybe ANAs.

Loosing Hair / Skin Changes is a s/s of thyroid issues.

She may need synthroid or another med.

Hair and skin are particularly vulnerable to thyroid conditions. With hypothyroidism, hair frequently becomes coarse and dry, breaking, brittle, and falls out easily. Skin can become coarse, thick, dry, scaly. In hypothyroidism, there is often an unusual loss of hair in the outer edge of the eyebrow. With hyperthyroidism, severe hair loss can also occur, and skin can become fragile and think

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