1. How many years have you been battling lice?
2. How many of your children have been infected?
3. What are their ages?
4. How many different treatments?
5. Did you pick all the nits out?
6. Did you wash all the bedding?
7. Did you vaccume everything?
8. Did you steam clean the carpets?
9. Has your child/ren ever been in foster care because of lice?
10. Did your child/ren still get it with the foster family?
11. Have you ever shaved your child/ren's hair in pure desperation?
12. After this survey are you considering it?
13. Please tell me if you have used any of the following.
* Nix
* Rid
* Ovide
* Elimite
* Mayonaise
* White Vinegar
* Perm Solution
* Color Solution
* Curling Iron
* Freeze Hair
* Pet flea and tic shampoo
* Ketchup
Melaleauca Shampoo
Tea Tree Shampoo
Metal Lice comb
* Other (Please state)
Lice Treatment Survey?
my kids have never had lice.
but I did when I was younger, the only thing that worked was baby oil
I am pretty sure my mom washed and vacuumed everything
Lice Treatment Survey?
i dont have the problem!...apparently they dont like male heads over 50 years old?...probably because theres no hiding places...
Lice Treatment Survey?
in the old old old days ...women would use kerosene on the kids ...wash the head then rince ...my grand mother and grand father did it ...they where born in 1882 ...hows that for an old treatment
Lice Treatment Survey?
I'm a teacher. Generally the children who get lice on a regular basis are the ones who have families in denial. Lice live on things like stuffed animals, mattresses, bedding. If you are seriously trying to get rid of them, any over the counter lice treatment product should work if you follow the complete directions. This includes picking all the nits out, and continuing to be on the look out. Getting lice does not mean you are dirty, or bad. Just make sure that you wash everything washable that has potential to come into contact with hair. Unwashable items, need to be sealed in plastic bags for two weeks, in order for the lice to die. I would not shave a child's head, that is a mark of shame for the poor kid.
Lice Treatment Survey?
1. How many years have you been battling lice?a few years
2. How many of your children have been infected1
3. What are their ages?13
4. How many different treatments?we used alot
5. Did you pick all the nits out?no i tried to
6. Did you wash all the bedding?yes
7. Did you vaccume everything?yes
8. Did you steam clean the carpets?yea
9. Has your child/ren ever been in foster care because of lice?NOO
10. Did your child/ren still get it with the foster family?no
11. Have you ever shaved your child/ren's hair in pure desperation?no not my lgurls
12. After this survey are you considering it? nope
13. Please tell me if you have used any of the following.
* Nix
* Rid yes didnt work
* Ovideno
* Elimiteno
* Mayonaiseno
* White Vinegarno
* Perm Solutionno
* Color Solutionno
* Curling Iron no
* Freeze Hair no
* Pet flea and tic shampoo yes
* Ketchup no
Melaleauca Shampoo no
Tea Tree Shampoo no
Metal Lice comb no
* Other (ovide perscribed by the doctor works extremely goood better than over the donter and owrks fast)
Lice Treatment Survey?
my daughter had lice when she was in 4th grade. She and her best friends would reinfest each other. Finally one of the mom's got us all together and we all treated it at the same time. We used the Nix or Rid, but we also washed everything we could and what couldn't be washed was put in airtight plastic bags for 3 weeks (that will kill them and the eggs) or the freezer in bags (and I can't remember how long the freezer takes).
I think we tried the vinegar thing and it might have worked, but we never really knew for sure because of the reinfestation. After we all did this (and it took about a WEEK of dedicated action), the girls never again had a problem with lice.
We didn't steam clean the carpets, but maybe we used carpet powders for it? (check out borax)
curling iron and freezing will not work because you can't get EVERY bit of the hair treated all at once and the lice will just jump around. Please don't use ANY pet treatment products on a human, I don't think ketchup works and don't waste money on tea tree shampoo of any brand. Tea tree oil MIGHT work but just get the oil from walmart, it's not very expensive and the quality is regulated.
I know a young girl who did shave her head in desperation, but her mother was a complete ditz!
Best of luck!
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