Saturday, July 25, 2009

Severely damaged hair?

Hi, I need some help here...i have very damaged hair..i have cut it twice in the past two weeks..i cut off all the dead ends...but my hair feels very porous and can i nurse my hair back to health...i have so many conditioners and leave in long does it take like two weeks or a week for the hair to be healthy again? I am deep conditioning like everyday hair just soaks it up....should i use a conditioner with paraffin like Pantene..would that help? It feels like the cuticle is exposed..please tell me all the tips you have. Thank you so much

Severely damaged hair?

well my hair was like that, but then once a week i put conditioner in my hair after i take a shower and leave it in the whole night and rinse it off in the morning! I straighten my hair so I used herbal essences stick straight shampoo and conditioner, they work really good because they give you even more conditioning! And if you go swimming you should put in conditioner before also so when you get out your hair is still really soft and doesn't 0bsorb all the clorine! I took me one week but I think at the most it could take up to two!

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