Saturday, July 25, 2009

Does anyone know of an acne treatment that really works?

im 15 years old and have had acne for about 5 years.. i havent seen my face clear in forever!!! ive seen different dermatologist and it doesnt work most of the time.. i tried proactive and it made me breakout worse..ive done a laser treatment and it didnt help much..i tried "acnefree" "tazorac" "differin"[[that one worked kinda]] ive been on pills for it!! and i am soooo tired of it.. im tired of always having to hide my face behind my hair or with my hands.. im tired of wearing my hood really low all the time.. and its killing me soo much inside... i want to put my hair up in school.. i dont like to have it down all the time so that my face can hide...

does anyone kno anything that works!?!? i am so desperate cuz i cant put up with it anymore!! im sooo tired of always having pimples all over my face

Does anyone know of an acne treatment that really works?

Omg, I know exactly how you feel. It really did kill me a lot inside. I didn't want to go out in public. Some people would make fun of me for it. Even my brother would make up nicknames for me! That really didn't make me feel any better even though I just joked about it. I'll get him back when he starts getting pimples ;]

I also used Proactiv and it didn't help.

Anyways, I started using St. Ives Apricot Scrub for blemishes and blackheads and my face is clearer than ever! I would wash my face in the morning, after school, and at night. Also, don't touch your face AT ALL!!!!!!! Don't pick at your pimples. It only makes them worse. If you put your hair in your face, be sure to wash it every night because you don't want extra oil and grease from your hair to get on your face. Don't use conditioner on your scalp. The grease from the conditioner may get onto your face. Don't drink too much Coke and stuff and don't eat too much junk food. McDonald's isn't good, either. Eat fruits, veggies, and healthy things. Tanning a little bit every once in a while helps. Try to stay calm and don't stress out too much. It may cause stress pimples. Whenever you sweat, be sure to have some wipes or something to get the sweat off of your face.

Don't let your face dry out either. Use a good moisturizer.

I use Clean %26amp; Clear: Dual Action Moisturizer. It moisturizes your face while it helps to prevent pimples.

You still may get a couple of pimples before your period, remember that. Just use a little cover-up to hide them.

I hope that helps. PLEASE, please, please let me know if I helped at all.

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