My siblings are coming to stay with me for a while, but I know they all have head lice. (they are all under-age and live together) The answer to the boys is quite simple, buzz it all off and don't let them around anyone who is infested. But the problem lies within my sister.
She has the most beautiful blonde hair that reaches just past her shoulder blades. Her hair grows quite slowly and so she has worked hard to get to this point. She and I share a common love for our long, natural hair and it would devastate us both if we had to cut her's.
Are there any treatments or old remedies that work sure fire to be rid of them? We've tried every off-the-shelf shampoo, gel and comb, but nothing has worked. They seem to go away for a week and then just reinfest all of them! I need something that hopefully won't damage her hair, but we can always deep condition if we have to...
Sure fire treatment for head lice?
this is why they made search engines
Sure fire treatment for head lice? can buy it at most drug stores
Sure fire treatment for head lice?
Product called RID, and a blow dryer. Apply the rid, saturate the hair, use the blow dryer on high setting, the heat and the RID will kill the adults and the eggs. Then shampoo and condition.
Sure fire treatment for head lice?
I always hear that mayonnaise works- I'm serious but I've never done it myself but I know plenty of people who use it. And you could just comb it out, but it takes FOREVER.
Sure fire treatment for head lice?
I just had 2 kids placed here (we do foster care), and of course they came with head lice........I have NIX on hand, just for this type of situation. You shampoo with a good amount and sit with it for a full 10 minutes in your hair, you have to use the gel to comb it out, and also a very big thing that people forget, you have to get the spray and spray the car seats, chairs, all furniture, or you will continue to reinfest, and yes, also have to wash all linens, clothes and anything that comes in contact with the lice, and you use hot water and bleach, then dry in a hot dryer. Also remember to retreat the head 7 days later, to get any eggs or lice that have developed, its always 2 treatments within 7 days, many do not do this.
Sure fire treatment for head lice?
This sounds weird but here goes. My granddaughter had head lice so bad. I called the doctor and they told me to put Vaseline in her hair followed by mayonnaise. Leave on for at least an hour better if over night. The Vaseline suffocated the bugs. Comb the nits out and retreat again in 7-10 days to make sure you kill all the newly hatched ones. Wash everything, bedding, put pillows in dryer until hot. You cannot treat just once this sometimes is an on going progress and you really have to keep up on it. Good luck!
Sure fire treatment for head lice?
I own a company that produces an FDA registered head lice cure but I don't intend to try to sell you anything because you can help yourselves in this instance.
I will copy below the advice we send to customers waiting for orders so they can make progress straight away.
Curing head lice is a REMOVAL problem. If you remove everything that doesn't belong in your hair your head lice problem will end. It has to!
I will also post a link below that explains why head lice appear to go away but comeback time after time. Once you have read this you will crack your problem.
Here is the advice:
" You can do a load of good work right now.
Forget about killing head lice, just think--REMOVE
If you have a fine comb and can locate some oil
like sweet almond, from a health food store, or
even sunflower from a food store you can do a lot
of good right now by removing any larger lice that
may be in the hair.
Don't use Vaseline, kerosene or mineral oils
they are awful to wash out and dangerous as
they can catch fire!
Just check before you start that the oil you have
will dissolve in your regular family shampoo by
rubbing bit of the oil on your fingers and then
washing with the shampoo.
Work a small amount of the oil into the roots of
the hair while it is dry and then comb gently with
the finest comb you can find.
You will get out an amazing mixture of rubbish
including big head lice and even some eggs.
10-15 minutes combing is fine. Just so long as you
round up all the big fat adult lice.
These are laying between 6 and 8 eggs, per day,
and are creating tomorrow閳ユ獨 lice. These will come
our very easily if you have them stuck in slippery oil.
Shampoo out the excess oil and chill out for a
couple of days then repeat the process.
You are harmlessly removing the lice that can and
will lay down more eggs so you have already started
to eradicate this population.
When you get your order switch to the NITMIX Wet
Combing Aid and this will make the head lice even
easier to get out.
Don't be fooled by how simple and gently this is; it works! "
Sure fire treatment for head lice?
You can use lice shampoos and lotions that are sold over-the-counter or are prescribed. The medicines require you to provide details of your past lice treatments. Avoid experimenting with these medicines, as they are as potent as the insecticides. Do not disregard the doctor閳ユ獨 advice or instructions. Follow the usage instructions on the shampoo or lotion religiously to speed up the treatment. Sometimes you may also have to use hair rinses to untangle hair.
Usually, these lice treatments should be used regularly to eliminate lice. You will see the results within 7-10 days. But before stopping the treatment, ensure all the lice have been eradicated, because if any single louse is present, it can reproduce rapidly and start troubling you again.
Sure fire treatment for head lice?
we used kerosine..takes very little then wash hair until smell is gone...wash all clothes in hot water..bag up stuff animals for 2 weeks
Sure fire treatment for head lice?
hot sauce
Sure fire treatment for head lice?
use mayo to get rid of the nits (eggs) and then comb through the hair with a lice comb, wash all bedding ,clothes in hot water, if they are to big for the washer go to the laundry mat and use the big machines if you cant then put bedding in a large garbage bag and close the bag for about 2wks,spray everything with the spray from RID, my hairstylest suggested using flea and tick shampoo for pets, even though it says do not use on humans it works she uses it on her own children and much cheaper than the shampoos they sell in the store
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