Saturday, July 25, 2009

Stomac Hair?

i am 25 and have black stomac hair that goes up to my breast, so ashamed of it, what can i do except for laser treatment, coz wouldn't want them looking at my breasts, and it is a bit embarrising, wouldn't you be?

Stomac Hair?

well have you tried waxing any way i've heard that laser treatment can cause scaring and they dont know what the long term effects are. so if i were you i would i'd play it safe. oh and i know all of this because my friend had the same problem but i took her to the saloon it all worked out in the end hope you get rid of it

love trinity

Stomac Hair?


Stomac Hair?

Why cant you Wax it you can buy wax at wall mart or mijers. I hope i helped.

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