Saturday, August 1, 2009

How can I comfortably get rid of pubic hair?

I'm male, 29 years old, and I dont like pubic hair. I've used clippers and shaved, but it doesn't stay smooth for any length of time, and often causes bumps. Ive tried nair but it is way too uncomfortable. Is there a way I can do this at home with any long lasting results, or is my only option with a doctor for laser treatment?

How can I comfortably get rid of pubic hair?

Honey...there is really no comforterble way to remove pubic hair. You can wax it, shave it(if you do that use this stuff called Bikini Zone ointment and shave rocks), Electrolisis. Thats about it that I know of. I had a friend who bought this wax at a drug store though and it was only $10. She used it and said on a scale of 1-10 for pain...10 being OUCH THAT FREAKIN HURTS...she said it was at about a 2. Its called Surgi Wax or something like that.

How can I comfortably get rid of pubic hair?

laser surgery will do it plus the hair won't grow again until 5 years later

How can I comfortably get rid of pubic hair?

i think you're screwed pal.

How can I comfortably get rid of pubic hair?

Use nair for men Follow directions carefully

How can I comfortably get rid of pubic hair?

you could try waxing...

How can I comfortably get rid of pubic hair?

set it on fire--oh wait , that might cause a weinnie roast

How can I comfortably get rid of pubic hair?

I think anyway you go its gonna be painful!

How can I comfortably get rid of pubic hair?

you could wax, they make a spray to numb you sking before you wax, you can find the spray at sally beauty supply. or you can use tweezers but that will take a lot of time.

How can I comfortably get rid of pubic hair?

brazilian wax!!

How can I comfortably get rid of pubic hair?

Nair seems like a good option, but if you say your don't like it... Laser on the other hand, may be painful. Wax hurts a bit, but it's long lasting and hair grows back scarcer and smoother. But i think there's not a comfortable way.

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